0203 358 0203


the most understanding and friendliest IT team in the UK

If you’re looking for an It company that combines expertise with a personal touch, look no further than Iron Dome. They are simply the BEST! You will not be disappointed!

award-winning IT support

(we’re pretty proud)

managed IT

Running optimal IT systems shouldn’t slow you down. Our managed IT support services take the hassle out of technology so you can focus on growing your business. From day-to-day maintenance to proactive support, we ensure your IT runs smoothly, leaving you free to do what you do best!


Cyber threats don’t take a day off, but that doesn't mean you can't! Leave cyber security to the experts, and rest assured you're protecting your business online.
With robust security measures and expert monitoring, we’ll keep your data and operations safe and your mind at ease. Don’t be a statistic. Be secure!


Stay connected and unlock your business’s potential with optimised cloud solutions. From improving collaboration to enhancing productivity, our cloud services help you work smarter, scale faster, and achieve more.

You’re worth looking after too

If you’re anything like our other clients we understand how much you care about your business and looming after your own clients, whether that’s helping them secure a new career, supporting them with their future investments of providing them with the best service you can.

But who’s looking after you?

We are one a mission to help businesses like you ensure they are being protected from cyber threats without any stress so you can focus on the relationships you are building with your clients. Not only that but we’ve got your back to make sure your business is up and running everyday without additional tech gremlin that you could really just do without.

does this sound familiar?

IT is slowing your business down

There’s not enough time in the day as it is sometimes! We doubt you want to be spending your time fixing IT issues when you could be focused on the stuff you enjoy. We tae the IT off your place, so that you can build your business without any additional stress.

Worried about cyber attacks

We've got your back. Cyber security can feel worrying and even overwhelming to some. Call us strange but we actually love this stuff. Let us take some of these concerns way from you by taking care of this for you.

you haven’t got the right IT expertise

Growing your business is exciting but if your It is causing frictions for you or your staff, it can feel like a chore! Technology should make your life easier not more stressful. A happy team if a more productive team!

got questions?

We may be tech nerds, but we don’t speak geek!
Get in touch with us for a chat and we’ll take you through things. We promise not to bore or baffle you!

don’t just take our word for it

IT support that
makes your life easier

because you’re worth looking after too!

Reliable, personalised IT support is the key to your business’s success. We’re here to help with IT solutions that streamline operations, protect your data, and ensure everything runs smoothly! We’re your dedicated IT partner, and we make your life easier. Sound familar? Let us help.

Looking for IT support companies near me?

hey there!

We’re a small, tight knit team who love technology and love making our clients happy whilst having fun in the process.

We love what we do but we else know that not everyone is as excited about IT and cyber security as we are! Our approach is simple. Be friendly. Be approachable. Be understanding.

We may have a wealth of knowledge and experience in our team, but that doesn’t mean we don’t take the time to understand your business and speak in a language you understand.

If your looking for an IT partners who understands the value of your business and who genuinely cares, your in the right place.

Net Promoter Score

happiness score

industry insights
from the pros

got questions?

We may be tech nerds, but we don’t speak geek!
Get in touch with us for a chat and we’ll take you through things. We promise not to bore or baffle you!

Book your FREE 15 minute consultation with an IT Expert.