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Creating an IT Compliance Policy – The 7 Things You Need to Consider

IT Compliance

Conducting business operations in the digital world is prone to security risks. Mitigating them would be impossible if you don’t have an IT compliance policy. Setting up a robust IT compliance policy in your business is more important now than ever. And it’s because most organisations now depend on digitised services.  Online companies rely on […]

6 Ways to Combat Social Phishing Attacks

Phishing Strategy

Phishing is the number one method of attack delivery for everything from ransomware to credential theft. We are very aware of it coming by email, but other types of phishing have been growing rapidly. In recent years, phishing over social media has skyrocketed by 500%. There has also been a 100% increase in fraudulent social […]

13 Strategies To Make Your Cybersecurity Failproof

Cyber Security Strategy

Skilled hackers can easily access your system and steal precious business information. Upgrading your cybersecurity can help address this problem.   Taking your cybersecurity seriously is a must. Otherwise, you leave the door open for criminals to compromise your business’s privacy and cause legal troubles.  Now, you might think that cybercriminals only target large companies […]

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